For reservations or information: 0746.772.417 Accommodation in the Apuseni Mountains, at Pension Popasul Ursilor, right next to the Bear Cave

Privacy policy

SC FIRMA AICI srl, CUI , registered at the Trade Register of the county _ , as a personal data controller collects and processes data in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 677 of 21.11.2001, and since 25.05.2018 and with the provisions of Regulation no. 679 of 27.04.2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

The purpose of this document is to inform you accurately, specifically and unequivocally as to how and for what purpose this data is collected, processed, the period for which this data is kept, how to exercise your individual rights as well as information about the secondary purpose of the processing, if the data will be processed for a purpose other than that for which it was collected by the associated controllers.

When processing this data, we take into account the laws in force regarding the protection and processing of personal data. To this end, we conducted an internal audit on the collection, processing and transmission of personal data, we took appropriate technical measures and established a series of internal technical and administrative procedures, we conducted training within the team in order to raise awareness and empower team members.

Personal data collected by our company, through the website or through direct communications, for the purpose of carrying out work
If you are our customer, we collect and process the following data for the legitimate purpose of invoicing and delivering your orders in optimal conditions:

  • your name, surname, address, city, county, postal code, email and telephone number, bank and bank account, for the purpose of drawing up the tax invoice and the service contract.
  • if you opt to subscribe to the company’s newsletter without being a customer, we collect your email for marketing communications, your name, and the date of your registration in the database, in order to constitute proof of your subscription to the company’s newsletter
  • other information transmitted by the client to our company within the framework and for the purpose of performing the services

If you are a visitor, only the data recorded by the cookies accepted by the visitor at the time of the first visit to the site, via the cookie policy notification window and described in the Cookie Policy page, is recorded.

Duration of processing of personal data

The duration of storage and processing of personal data is closely linked to the working relationship between our company and you as a client or potential client. Data may be deleted at the explicit request of the account holder or as much as necessary to achieve the purposes stated via this page.

The data necessary for the preparation of tax invoices and contracts are kept for a period necessary to fulfill the legal obligations (tax, archiving) imposed by Romanian law.

Recipients of personal data

Personal data may be disclosed to or accessed by the following persons or entities as part of the daily work process:

  • employees of our company in order to carry out the activity
  • to the company’s collaborators, limited, in order to carry out the company’s activity in good conditions (to the accounting service providers, to the hosting service provider by sending forms, to the invoicing service provider)
  • where such communication would be necessary for the awarding of prizes or other facilities to data subjects obtained as a result of their participation in various promotional campaigns organised by the HERE FIRM through the Website or associated promotional channels, e.g. Facebook page, Instagram etc.
  • for measuring visits, performing data analysis, testing and research, monitoring usage trends and activity, developing security features and user authentication, to specific modules such as Google Analytics or similar;
  • where disclosure of personal data is required by law
  • to providers of automated and LIMITED (via cookies) marketing and promotional services, such as

Information on how data is collected and consent to collection

Each user of our site is presented at the time of the first visit to the site with a list of cookies collected or that collect, in one way or another, explicitly or implicitly, data that may fall into the category of personal data. This is done by means of the notification at the bottom of the website, through which the visitor has the opportunity to accept the privacy and data protection policy.

In the case of forms, they are only submitted if the data collection and protection policy has been read and accepted, as certified by the mandatory ticks at the bottom of each form that require this, such as the contact page form and the reservation form.

Rights of the persons whose data is collected

a) Right of access to data and to information Persons whose data have been collected have the right to be informed about the data that have been collected, the purpose and duration of the collection of these data.

b) Right to intervene on the data The persons whose data have been collected have the right to obtain on request the data collected, to ask for correction, updating, completion or deletion of these data, especially inaccurate data.

The request for modification, update, deletion of data shall be addressed in writing or to the email address and shall include information on the option of communicating the response, i.e. in physical or electronic form. The response to such requests will be communicated within 30 days of receipt of the request.

c) Right of objection Persons whose data have been collected may object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning them, unless this is contrary to the legislation in force (tax, archiving).

For this purpose, as well as for any other purpose concerning personal data, the data subjects shall write to the address of the company or send an e-mail to, and the reply shall be sent within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request.

For any questions about the way in which the data of the data subjects are used or if any further clarification is needed regarding any aspect of data processing, they can contact the data protection officer of the company by email or by personally submitting a holographically signed notification to our working point located at the address Localitatea Chiscau, nr.81c, Punct Turistic Peștera Urșilor 3633 Comuna Pietroasa, Bihor.